A community in which to grow!

Sermons from 2018 (Page 7)

In the Beginning

In the beginning 1. What this verse shows about God His otherness His Supremacy His personality 2. What this verse says about human religions The foolishness of atheism The emptiness of polytheism The falseness of dualism The absurdity of materialism and animism 3. What it teaches us We are but creatures The creator God is…

Pressing on

Persevering isn’t easy so why should we press on, why should we persevere in the Christian life? In this passage Paul’s reasons are because: 1. God has called us to press on 2. We are warned there are enemies of the cross 3. Jesus is our hope

How and Why we are Christians

In the message I want to show that our salvation begins with and is entirely rooted in the work of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It is an experience that begins now and stretches to eternity, but must produce a changed life here and now that reflects the person…