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"Contentment" Tagged Sermons

Pursuit of Meaning

Just as we brought nothing into this world, we will take nothing out. All of the money we have accumulated is worthless to us when we are dead. Godly wisdom will make all the difference in how we live each day. A man who fears God will avoid earthly snares because he understands that a…

The Rat Race

The Preacher describes human behaviour that contributes to the heavy burden of life ‘under the sun’. In this chapter, the Preacher reveals the danger of living like the world and observes certain characteristics of the world’s system that people depend on for worldly success. Ecclesiastes 4 Evil Under the Sun 4 Again I saw all…

True security

Although many people believe that financial security will bring peace and contentment, true security can only be found when we look first to the Lord Jesus Christ. In this message from Hebrews, we are reminded that the Lord himself is not only our helper but knowing Him will cause fear to subside and we can…

How do I keep content?

Paul is writing to the Philippians from prison and yet he says he knows what it is to be content! For Paul, contentment is not found in circumstances, but it is always found in Jesus! Many people struggle today with feeling content and that is because it is based on our situation. In these verses…