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"Comfort" Tagged Sermons

The Compassionate Christ

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus was full of compassion for those who were suffering. In this passage we unpack the stories of two families that Jesus encountered. Christ’s compassion reached beyond race and respectability to minister to those in pain, hopelessness, loneliness and grief. Luke 7:1-17 ESV Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant 7 After he…

True Rest

By nature, people are uncomfortable reflecting on life’s hardest realities, such as the uncertainty of the future and the certainty of death. Instead of considering our existence beyond this life, we often choose to focus on the fleeting pleasures of this world. However, our hearts will remain restless until we find rest in the God…

To Die is Gain

This message uses 2 Cor 1 and Phil 1 to show that the Christian Life is essentially a shared life, given to us by God and lived in His presence. Here on earth, we have fellowship with God in Trinity, which is a foretaste of heaven. Philippians 1:21-23 English Standard Version 21 For to me…

A comforting promise

At this difficult time, we should be going to God as our primary source of comfort and in this passage, we can see that there are conditions in order that we can claim the comfort that comes from this promise 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for…

Go! Go! Go!

As soon as Christ was raised He wanted His disciples on the move in order to prepare them for the work of the New Covenant Church. He has authority therefore He sends His Disciples to make disciples, baptising and teaching all who respond to the message. He promises He will never leave them.