Sermon text Matthew ch.11 v.1-19 Responses to the gospel- The difference between a period of doubt in a believer and the response of outright disbelief; illustrated by the examples of John the Baptist and many of the people of Jesus’ day.
Sermon text Matthew ch.11 v.1-19 Responses to the gospel- The difference between a period of doubt in a believer and the response of outright disbelief; illustrated by the examples of John the Baptist and many of the people of Jesus’ day.
John 10:27-30 The True Christian having chosen and redeemed by God will persevere, because God continues to work in His life.
Ps 119:9-11 Fitting in with the theme, how do we grow as Christians I want begin by showing the battle we face; then to show that growth only comes with discipline and response to the Bible
Ephesians 2:13 Starting with our position in Christ, I hope to show what we were and then to show the glorious means of transition
Isaiah 62:6,7 The message shows us the primacy of prayer in the life of our Lord and believers throughout Old and New Testaments
Psalm 13 Help for those experiencing spiritual depression.
Sermon text Matthew 9:35-38 Do you see what Jesus sees? To do that, you need to see Jesus.
The atonement is vast; oceanic in its power, majesty, significance. So how can it be limited? That feels like it doesn’t fit. It isn’t a biblical term. Maybe it is an unhappy term. But it has something biblical to say that is important to grasp and yet easy to miss. Sermon text – John 10.11