A community in which to grow!

Sermons by Andy Pitt (Page 8)

Andy became our church pastor in November 2020

‘New Year Resolutions’ 

As we enter a New Year, many find themselves making resolutions that are unrealistic and inevitably short-lived. Based on Paul’s exhortations to the Thessalonian Christians, we are encouraged to set several specific, biblical resolutions that when applied, will change our lives as we seek to follow Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-18 Now concerning the times and the…

Love ‘em all

In a culture that is fixated on outward appearances, it is often easy for Christians to show favouritism within the church. As people who have been shown grace by the Lord Himself, we too must be willing to extend grace to all people regardless of their education, finances, social standing or race. James 2:1-13 ESV…

Promised Peace

The righteous try to live God’s way and the wicked reject God and live their own way. And yet… the wicked often seem to have it better than the righteous. Psalm 37 provides a plan of action for experiencing the peace that passeth all understanding. Psalm 37 ESV He Will Not Forsake His Saints [a]…

True Religion

God has taken the initiative to save us through His Word, which results in a transformed life marked by a controlled tongue, a compassionate heart, and a clean life. This, James affirms, is authentic religion, pure and faultless. James 1:12-27 ESV 12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has…

Hearers Only

If the Bible is to affect our lives, we must not merely listen to it but also receive and act upon it. If we think we can hear the Word and do nothing, we are self-deceived. It’s not enough to just listen to it; we must do what it says! Matthew 7:15-29  ESV A Tree…