A community in which to grow!

The Doctrinal Basis of Our Faith

The following are recordings of talks given as part of our Mens Ministry taking each point in our Basis of faith.


The divine inspiration, infallibility and inerrancy of Holy Scripture as originally given and its sole authority in all matters of faith and conduct.    2 Timothy 3:15-17.


The unity of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit eternally in the Godhead.    John 17:3-21; Matthew 3:15-17; 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 13:14.


The Sovereignty of God in Redemption, Creation, Revelation, and Final Judgement.    Colossians 1:12-20.


The full deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Virgin Birth and His real and sinless humanity.    Matthew 16:16; Luke 1:26-35; Hebrews 7:26.


The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the Fall rendering human beings subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.    Isaiah 53:6; John 3:36.


Redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin and from the dominion of Satan only through the sacrificial death (as our representative and penal substitute) of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God.    2 Corinthians 5:15-21; Hebrews 2:14.

The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.    1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

The necessity of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ effective to the individual sinner, granting them repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ.    John 3:3-8; 16: 7-11.


The justification of the sinner freely by grace through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ.    Romans 3:24-26.


The indwelling and work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer.    Ephesians 1:13; Romans 8:9.


The expectation of the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.    Acts 1-6-13.

The eternal blessedness in heaven of the redeemed and the eternal punishment in Hell of the unbelieving.    Matthew 25:46.

The one Holy Universal Church which is the Body of Christ and to which all true Believers belong.    Ephesians 4:4-6.

Believers’ Baptism by immersion is ordained by our Lord, practised by the Apostles and taught in the New Testament.    Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:3-4.

Each ‘Local Church’ is called to be an autonomous ‘gathered community’ of regenerate believers, living in fellowship with all other believers within the One Body of Christ; and is thus sufficient under Christ for the ordering of its life in obedience to his Will.    Philippians 1: 1; Acts 20:28.